Travel Request Form

Personal Information

UMD Employee


Yes No Do you have an SSN?


Yes No
First Name


Last Name




Home Institution


E-mail Address




Faculty Sponsor/Contact Other Sponsor/Contact


Trip Information

Please specify airport/rail station codes for the "Travel From" and "Travel To" fields
Travel From


Travel To


Departure Date


Return Date




Does this itinerary include multiple destinations? Yes No
Purpose of Travel Please inlcude the URL for the conference and title of your presentation (if known).

Estimated Expenses

Name of Airline/Train
(if on a Grant, Foreign Travel must be a US Carrier)
Ground Transportation
Personal Car Miles
Lodging Will you be needing hotel accomodations? Yes No
Per-diem Yes No
OtherUse this for conference fees or other expenses not account for in the above sections.
Please explain in the notes section below
Notes Please enter any additional information the business office may need to know
in order to process your request.

Please only click the Submit button once to avoid duplicate entries. Please check your e-mail for additional forms and next steps.